Our Policies

At The Meadows we adhere to a set of policies and processes. These ensure that everyone is treated safely, with dignity and equality. You can download and read our policies below.

Policy 1- Complaints.pdf
Policy 2 - Confidentiality.pdf
Policy 3 - Health & Safety.pdf
Policy 4 - Equal Opportunities & Diversity.pdf
Policy 5 - Medication.pdf
Policy 6 - Accident.pdf
Policy 7 - Missing Persons.pdf
Policy 8 - Food.pdf
Policy 9 - Infective Medical Conditions  Hygiene.pdf
Policy 10 - Eligibility.pdf
Policy 11 - Volunteering Summary.pdf
Policy 12 - Recruitment.pdf
Policy 13 - Recruitment of Ex-Offenders.pdf
Policy 14 - Secure Storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosures and Information.pdf
Policy 15 - Smoke Free.pdf
Policy 16 - Staff Volunteer Development Strategy.pdf
Policy 17 - Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults.pdf
Policy 18 - Lone Worker.pdf
Policy 19 - Risk Assessment.pdf
Policy 20 - Manual Handling and Falls.pdf
Policy 21 - Whistleblowing.pdf
Policy 22 - Fundraising.pdf
Policy 23 - Grievance Policy.pdf
Policy 24 - COVID.pdf
Policy 25 - Business Continuity.pdf